Support the cause
of Parents Orphelins
Why support Parents Orphelins?
Every day in Quebec, parents lose a child during pregnancy or shortly after birth. It is estimated that nearly 23,000 Quebec families are affected by the death of a baby each year. Parents Orphelins, the Quebec Association of Parents Living in Perinatal Mourning, is a non-profit organization founded in 2008 recognized as a charitable organization, with the main mission of providing services “by and for” parents experiencing perinatal bereavement. . Parents Orphans made it their goal to help other parents through this difficult ordeal.
How to support Parents Orphelins?
It is thanks to the support and generosity of its donors that Parents Orphelins has been able to carry out its mission since its inception. Each donation is precious and Parents Orphelins offers you different ways to help it accomplish its mission with the grieving parents of their baby. Whether it’s a donation of money, time or goods!
What are donations used for?
Thanks to your donations, our services such as coffee talks, activities and events related to perinatal bereavement in which orphan parents participate, the support service, the website and the management of the various platforms and databases of resources. available to parents, the publication of information guides, annual awareness campaigns, administration and management of volunteers are made possible… and more!
You give. We receive. Parents receive the help they need to get through the difficult ordeal of perinatal grief. On their behalf, we say thank you!
Financial support
Making a secure donation is quick and easy with Canadon. You give. We receive. And your tax receipt is instantly emailed to you. You could even opt for monthly direct debit and only receive one receipt at the end of the year… it’s up to you how you donate!
Many families choose to honor their babies by asking to replace the sending of flowers with donations to Parents Orphelins. If you wish, you can add the following sentence to your loved one’s death notice:
Any token of sympathy can result in a donation to Parents Orphelins by mail at 815, Henri-Bourassa Est, bureau 11, Montreal (Quebec) H2C 1E7.
Parents Orphelins also provides, upon request, envelopes to collect commemorative donations. During the funeral or memorial service, they are made available to people who wish to respect the will of the family. Then, the management of the funeral home or the family sends the collected donations to Parents Orphelins. In addition, those who during the service took an envelope can send their donation by mail.
You can also create a fundraising page in memory of your baby.
Here is also the list of donation pages created in memory of a baby. To make a donation to the Association in memory of one of these children, please click on their name.
Auphélie et Méganne Jeanne Largo et Lillah Léanne Logan Louka Maëlie Mélia Robin Sunny-Anne William
Honor the person you love by helping those who in turn need support.
Through the generous support of such donations, this baby’s life will be celebrated, and her memory kept alive.
You can now fundraise for Orphan Parents by having your own page on Canadon. Within minutes you will have started your own fundraiser for a sports challenge, birthday celebration or in memory of a baby. The funds raised will automatically go to Orphan Parents without you having to do anything else. Your only concern will be to make your page known so that your network can participate in your fundraising. This is a great way to pay it forward!
A donation of securities or mutual funds is an effective way to give to Orphan Parents.
A portion of your securities or mutual funds will have a noticeable and lasting impact in the services we provide to parents who are grieving their babies. Canadon offers the largest online donation processing service for securities and mutual fund donations in Canada. Simple. Fast.
By making a donation to Parents Orphelins, you show your customers and partners that it is important to you to provide bereaved parents with the means to obtain support in the difficult ordeal of perinatal bereavement. You will get a tax credit for your business, the recognition of your role as a driving force in improving the services provided to the grieving parents of their babies and the satisfaction of knowing that you have contributed to making real changes in their lives. and those who need it.
Make a donation today and contribute to the recognition of the cause of perinatal bereavement.
You have reference books on prenatal bereavement, furniture or a coffee maker that you no longer need, don’t hesitate to consider donating these goods to Parents Orphelins! Contact us.

Become a volunteer
If Parents Orphelins can accomplish their mission with bereaved parents, it is because many volunteers work within the Association, like bees. Volunteers organize coffee talks, support the listening line, run social networks, organize special activities, take part in Fêtes des Anges or awareness-raising activities, fundraising campaigns, manage the accounts. or ensure the coordination of administrative tasks.
Their work is invaluable, it makes a difference by helping orphaned parents through the difficult ordeal of perinatal bereavement.
Does that inspire you? Do you want to become a volunteer? We would love to count you among the people who are making a difference in the journey of parents grieving their babies. It’s easy, complete the online form and we will receive the information to process your volunteer offer. The volunteer coordinator will contact you after analyzing your form.
Become a member
Becoming a member of Parents Orphelins means promoting the voice of perinatal mourning and obtaining representation from government authorities. It is to carry the message higher, further.
Parents Orphelins believes that by bringing together parents experiencing perinatal bereavement across Quebec, it will succeed in having them recognized and in obtaining more services. Strength in numbers is, without a doubt, an important element of any association, in achieving the desired objectives.
In the case of Parents Orphelins, it is about ensuring that parents who are experiencing the death of their baby can grieve as well as possible.
What are the advantages of becoming a member?
- Be informed first of the activities and initiatives of the Association
- Receive exclusive information
- Be able to make a difference with other parents experiencing perinatal bereavement through volunteer opportunities
- Be able to express your opinion by attending the annual general meeting and vote
- Empower parents with governments and public bodies
Are you a parent experiencing perinatal bereavement, a worker or a supporter of the cause? Be part of the large family of Parents Orphelins, become a member!